Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I have figured out something about myself.  Completion. Done. Check.  Finishing something brings one of my very favorite feelings. Satisfaction.  Today really didn't offer me that.  It's not that I didn't get anything done, I did.  It was just a little bit of too many things.  After taking my daughter to school, I went into my studio to begin working.  I am in the middle of a customer's job for 6 dozen hats with their logo.  They brought me their digitized file and unfortunately it is not stitching properly so that got placed on hold.  Next, since I have had issues with my back for about 6 days now, I decided to try a stretch class at the gym.  It was nice but being right in the middle of the morning, it was hard for me to shut down my mind and relax. Probably something that will get easier with practice.  Oh well, back to work. I decided to work on some of the clutch purse orders.  The good news is that I received an order for some bridesmaids.  Love that!  After lunch, I had an appointment for a massage. (I know...poor me.)  I had a gift certificate that I bought my husband for Christmas 2 years ago!  I figure if he hasn't used it by now, my back pain justifies my snatching it.  It was awesome.  This time I became so relaxed I was ready for a nap.  Actually what happened is that it zapped me of all of my energy and drive.  Once back in the  studio, I decided to tackle some paper work in order to prepare for doing my taxes.  I am setting up a software program that will make it easier soon, just not now.  Does anyone know the difference between Purchases- Resale and Cost of Goods Sold? (next to-do on my list) 
Well, here I am now planning a purchase of the cutest bathing suits for babies.  This is the fun part!  There are a limited number available now but more will be available in April.  Since I am in Florida I hope I am able to get my order in before they are gone!

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